Alas, yet another semester of school. I am excited to get it over with... Two religion classes and a Strengthening Marriage and Family class puts my self-analysis levels to boiling. Perhaps I am to figure out more of who I am this semester. That sounds like a good thing right? On the one hand, I am taking the first half of the New Testament (which is basically about Christ's mercy), and on the other hand, the first half of the D&C, which is totally directed towards this generation and how we need to fix our lives before the Lord comes. Again, one hand, mercy, the other, damnation. But both extremely beautiful books of scripture I might add. It will be a challenge to keep focused on both of them. Another challenge: classes at the Salt Lake center are not so big. This leaves me not being able to sink into the background like I so often do. Well, you get what you pray for. I think this is going to help me with my confidence in who I am, not to mention help my testimony grow.
Josh has also just started school and loves his English Science Fiction class. He's been into writing lately and has started a little novella based on one of his favorite video games, Fallout. It's a post-apocalyptic story about a kid who leaves "The Vault" (said vault being protection against the outside world which is filled with all manner of mutated creepy things) on a quest to find his recently disappeared father. Needless to say, the story so far is quite entertaining. Yeah, we're kinda nerdy : ) but writing is one of the best ways to express yourself, and I'm proud of Josh for doing that.
What else is going on in our lives...we are both searching for jobs. The fall semester has not been too kind to us so far money wise. It just slips away so fast. Basically, I hate money. That's all I have to say.
I want to express one wish: Josh and I living in a small town in a comfy cottage that, right as you walk in, you feel at home. You can smell that chocolate chip cookies have recently been baked, and the spring breeze coming from the open, airy windows only wafts that fresh baked smell a little more until you find you're at the kitchen table and have eaten three of these delightful treats. Josh could be found watching a football game or reading the paper, and I could be found in my crafts room, painting something not for sale, but something Sarah wanted to paint, no matter the mess of a painting it is.
In my wish, you can see that there are no jobs, no school, no stress. Don't we all wish for that? But if that was all we had, would we know that my wish was good? Would we see it as something desirable, or would we wish for something more? I believe the stresses in our lives have a purpose. They let us realize the bad from the good, even though all we might want is the good. Hopefully, ten or so years from now when my wish might be attainable, I'll look back and know that Josh and I worked hard for what we got. We earned it.
Penelope- ONE year old!
9 years ago