Thursday, December 8, 2011

I actually have time to do this!

Hello blogging world!
This is the last of my two posts a year! Maybe next year I will make it a goal to write five times?
The year has gone by a little too fast. I will not mention everything that has gone on, that would take forever...or two sentences since nothing really has gone on besides school and work.
I've almost finished with school this semester! Two more tests and a final left and I will be half-way into my junior year : ) Ah that feels good to say! Josh and I are doing well and we are doing busy things. Halloween, then our anniversary, then Thanksgiving, then Josh's birthday, then work and ward parties (Josh is frying four turkeys for our ward party this weekend! yikes) sister getting endowments and married next week! eek, then Christmas and New Years....then a whoooole new semester...I cannot believe it. I'm pretty excited for all of this to happen though.
As I'm typing this, my der-der-der dog Gimli is biting the lever that makes the computer chair lower or higher. He thinks he can bite it off I guess. I love my dogs :)
*edit* I realize Halloween and Thanksgiving and, well, half the things on my list have already happened. I was trying to allude to the business of what went on and what is going to happen!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lovey Valentine's

I thought I had better put up a Valentinesy background before the end of February came and went. It's such a short month! I was at the store a few days ago and saw some Valentine's cards and wished I was in Elementary School again so I could buy some. I certainly still could...perhaps I will put it on my grocery list.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The funny things dogs do...

I love my dogs. They are practically my kids. I also love other people's dogs almost as much. Here are some thoughts to put a smile in your head and a laugh on your face.
1. On the way home from work early in the morning, I saw a teeny tiny chihuahua booking it down the street towards me. At first I was worried that he would get hit, but then I noticed he seemed to know where he was going because he turned full speed at the next street and kept booking it. Teeny chihuahua's run hilariously.
2. We went to have a movie night with Josh's sister tonight. (We watched Despicable Me. So cute.) As we pull in the driveway, we can see two little beagles along the side fence looking at us. When we get out of the car, they started to howl and get so excitedly loud, probably the whole neighborhood hears it. Needless to say, Amanda and Kagan do not need a doorbell. (P.S. They continue this behavior even as we're inside the house because they get so excited. Adorably loud.)
3. We recently got our little Gimbles a harness because he pulls too hard on his collar and has given himself some pretty nasty looking scabs on his neck. Poor thing. Gimli is a special dog to begin with, but now we call him our special little harness dog. He is just so sweet and dumb it fits him. Right now, for instance, he is chewing on a bone, randomly getting up to move every now and then, and wagging his tail because he's so happy with himself and the situation. (Pippin is under a blanket. His cavern and hiding place. Like an ostrich, he doesn't think anyone will find him as long as he is covered.)
So funny : )

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January-The Monday of the Months

The start of a year. I don't make new years resolutions. I kind of feel that if we are all making daily goals for ourselves, we are doing something more productive than beating ourselves up for not losing 10 pounds by the end of the year. So I guess my new year's resolution is to make daily goals for myself. Yesterday's goal was to not freak out over the little things. Which still did happen. I got upset because Josh put lemon pepper seasoning in my turkey chili. Really stupid thing. It ended up tasting great by the way. And today, I can do better. Here's to daily goals
P.S. I kind of stole your new blog site Lindsey...I can't ever get my blog to look right and these templates help a lot. Yours was so darling I had to check it out. : ) loves.

Our family ; )

Our family ; )