Monday, April 5, 2010

leaving soon!!

Josh and I are leaving soon to California!! It's a little bitter-sweet. Missing last summer here in Utah we missed weddings and family vacations and get-togethers..this summer will be that way too. We'll miss my mom's side of the family's reunion and my cousin's sealing and people that I love coming to visit here..and I've formed attachments to some of my rise kids/adults. That job has become more and more likeable, and even lovable. It just makes me sad...but we're also grateful for the opportunity to go to California and start saving that money to pay off Josh's credit as well as just to start a savings. Being away from family last year also made it possible to be more independent as a couple with Josh and I feel like that's one of the best things a married couple can do. We're excited though!
This last weekend Josh and I went to the Melting Pot (both our first times). It was an Easter/de-stress celebration. Chocolate fondue never disappoints : )
Easter and Conference are probably the best things to happen all in one weekend. I can never remember specific things about Conference, but the feelings and promptings were wonderful. I do remember a bit of Elder Holland's talk. He said something like,"Let's all try to be as pure as we were made to be." (although it always comes across better in their words). It was good to hear that and good to remember that we started out in heaven as pure spirits and came to earth pure as well in our first eight years. And the talks about Christ were just beautiful...can't wait for the Ensign.
Just as a side note, I work with a sweet girl in the mornings to get her ready for school with her mom's help. Her mom is extremely health food conscious especially since her daughter has food allergies. Every morning there is something new that I find out about healthy, organic, and green products. It's fascinating. I think I'm becoming more aware of stuff like that and I thought I never would. I've really enjoyed my time talking with her though and learning more about healthy alternatives and green products. this morning it was sunflower seed peanut butter. so delicious!

1 comment:

The Dennett's said...

Whoooo California! it seems like ages since I've been back. I know you two will find fun and new experiences there and grow stronger as a couple :)
I can't help but think of this line from a commercial that says, "Taking a walk on a beach with a loved one sounds so cliche...until you've done it." :( I have yet to do that with Jonathan...but lucky you!!!! You can walk along the beach every weekend! hehe

Our family ; )

Our family ; )